Your standard affiliate link for
...Replace the "xxxx" portion with your ClickBank nickname



Like Nothing Else You've EVER Promoted...

This affiliate opportunity is for heavy hitters.

But it's also for all those who’ve failed at affiliate marketing in the past.

And here’s exactly why:

 NOT ONLY  do we have a killer sales funnel that kicks off with a masterpiece "12 step method" hybrid video and long copy sales letter that ensures you make up to $154 per sale plus monthly commissions for every person you send our way.

 NOT ONLY  do we have one of the highest converting traffic and income offers online, tested at a whopping 5-10% because it's an EFFECTIVE software product that is *not* a rehash, rewrite, Elance knock off, or scam.  (We've had enough of those!)

 NOT ONLY  is your income potential *massive* and realistically UNLIMTED, since our software appeals to a MASSIVE market, far bigger than the Facebook community or anything else you've heard of.

 NOT ONLY  are all payments reliably delivered by ClickBank, one of the web’s leading merchant processors...


"Your Other Affiliate Promotions Will Look
Like Child's Play When You Plug In To Our

Exclusive X-Factor Affiliate System!"


As they follow the Amazing Widget System, each person you refer will be placing and spreading our flash-based Amazing Widgets - viral, self contained little "ATM Machines" - all across the web on their websites, blogs, social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), forums and message boards, and much more.


Inside each and every widget placed online by your referrals, YOUR X-Factor ClickBank affiliate links will evenly rotate with their affiliate links.  Regardless of what product they choose to promote.  This means that YOU will get roughly 50% of the traffic and clickthroughs generated by an unlimited number of Amazing Widgets - without lifting a finger.  Totally hands off and automated.


Let’s say you refer 50 people.  And we’ll say they each place an average of 10 widgets online (easily possible).  That’s 500 widgets on 500 web pages, with YOUR affiliate links rotating within.  If those 500 widgets lead to $10,000 in monthly commissions, roughly $5,000 of that is ALL yours.

And all that for doing nothing extra or beyond what you’d do with any other affiliate program.

There IS one small catch.  The X-FACTOR affiliate option is only available inside the AWS member area, because you’ll need access to our special backend Amazing Widget software, tracking and distribution tools.

You can become an AWS member right now by clicking here, if you haven't already done so. You can then log in, get your special link and be promoting 'X-FACTOR style' in 3 minutes from now.

By Promoting Us, You're Poised To Earn On
ANY Product In The ClickBank Marketplace!

Remember, when you promote us using our affiliate X-Factor option, you're funneling in members who will be placing dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of viral Amazing Widgets all across the web - with YOUR ClickBank affiliate links alternating with theirs.

And you get paid regardless of what ClickBank product your referrals choose to promote from within their Amazing Widgets.  They could choose a beekeeping guide - something you could care less about - and you STILL earn.  Your ClickBank link for the "beekeeping" product is auto-embedded in their widget ads.

At any given moment you could be 'picked up' by a website or blog owner with 150,000 unique visits per month, bringing YOU piggy-back traffic and money.  And it's all because as the referrer, ads embedded with *your* affiliate link are being displayed on their website, within THEIR Amazing Widgets.

Here's a breakdown of the standard Amazing Widget, which you can generate your own customized version of with 1 click of your mouse...


One Last Thing...

I’ve made AWS memberships affordable for almost anybody, so it would be disappointing to see you miss out on the massive X-FACTOR advantage.  It could very realistically mean thousands of extra dollars in your pocket each month, for doing EXACTLY the same thing you’d be doing as a standard affiliate.

And of course, the ULTIMATE benefit of becoming a member is that you'll have access to the *full* Amazing Widget System.

So I want to urge you one final time to join right away.

If you simply aren't able to join at this time, don't worry, you can still make an absolute KILLING in ClickBank commissions by promoting us with your standard ClickBank affiliate link.

And here's EVERYTHING you need to do exactly that:

Pre Customized Standard Email Swipes
And Affiliate Tools (Non Ex-Factor)...

If for some crazy reason you’re not interested in the X-FACTOR option, but still want to make up to $154 PLUS RESIDUALS for every person you refer to TheAmazingWidget, you'll still do incredibly well as this is probably the hottest traffic and income getting software to hit ClickBank all year.

That's up to $15,400.00 for only 100 referrals - plus the monthly residuals.

Enter your ClickBank ID in the field below, and click the button to automatically customize the following affiliate promos and tools with your ClickBank affiliate link (if you don't yet have a ClickBank ID / nickname, click here to join FREE):



Now it's time for you to choose from any of our awesome assortment of professional promos, graphics, tips, and resources to help build your income by referring countless others to!

These should all be customized with your ClickBank affiliate link if you used our customization tool, but be sure to double check...


Here is your affiliate link:


Keep in mind that ALL of your promotions will potentially have TEN TIMES THE INCOME POWER when you become a member and take full advantage of the X-FACTOR option (see above for details).

If your list hasn't been introduced to our opportunity yet, I recommend sending 3 consecutive emails out (on 3 consecutive days), using different subject lines each time.

After your initial blast, I recommend sending an email promo out once per week, using a different creative email subject line each time.  You can simply rotate through the many letters and subject lines we provide below..  You should also set up a promotion or two for us in your autoresponder account (if you have one) as an automated follow up message.

You can obviously create your own email subject line, or use these optional pre-written email subject lines (you can easily double or even triple your sales just by sending your main promo letter out, with different subject lines each time)...

Secret Control Swipe
Hand tested for massive clicks and sales.  Use only
AFTER launch day
when video presentation is available.

Subject Line:  2 minute *rant* caught on VIDEO!

Message Body:

This is something that's been going
on right under your nose online.

And it's important YOU hear it too.

I'm willing to bet this has already
cost you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS
(and it's NOT your fault)...


P.S. The good news is that this
information will CHANGE EVERYTHING
for you after you watch the video.






Use any or all of these promo letters one by one along with the subject lines above that you feel fit the best (mix and match).   You can also post these to your blogs, or various message boards (where allowed and not considered spam).

Promo Letter 1...

Promo Letter 2...

Promo Letter 3...

Promo Letter 4...

Promo Letter 5...

Promo Letter 6...

Don't Have A List?  No Problem!
Promote Using Other People's Lists...

A solo email ad is an ad like the swipes provided above.  It's where the list owner sends your ad to his/her list for a one-off fee.  It's called a "solo" ad because generally, your ad is sent out without any other content.  This is important so that your offer gets full attention from the subscribers on that list.

Follow this link to the "Warrior Joint Venture" section of the web's top Internet marketing forum, for the best *free* spot I've found to find list owners offering solo ad runs.

Look down the forum posts for "solo ads" or "solo ad spots" offers, and either email or PM the user to negotiate a BETTER price that what's being offered.

That's right.  More often than not you can negotiate a better price with the list owner.  I've done it many times and early in my online marketing career solo ads were my bread and butter until they died out.

Here are some important tips to better ensure your success:

1. Ask if has been promoted to the particular email list you'd like to run your ad to.  If it's been run in the past 2 months, it's probably best to look for another list.

2. Be specific on the subject line you want to use.  Your subject line is what determines whether your email will be opened.  It's got to provoke enough curiosity to get subscribers to open the email and view your offer.

3. Make sure there is no other content going out with your ad.  In other words, make sure the mailing is "clean".

4. Ask how the list was built.  If it was a *purchased* list of email addresses, skip it.  If it's a list built one by one through a website opt-in form, then you're good to go.

5. Get testimonials from other people who've run solo ads to that list!  What was the response like?

You've got the email swipes pre-written and customized for you above.  Now go get your solo ad space at a discount!  Click here.

Promote On Facebook, Twitter, and Fiverr...

On Facebook, you can post a catchy status update along with your affiliate link.

You can do the same with Twitter.  Tweet a 'headline' with your affiliate link underneath.

And on, click on the "Social Advertising" link and find people that will blast your tweets out to their Twitter followers for just $5 each.  Just make *sure* to only go with Fiverr sellers that have positive feedback on their user page.

Here are some ready-made "headlines" that you can use for this purpose:

If you can’t make money with this, it’s time to check for a pulse!

Are you an IDIOT when it comes to making money online?

Help Wanted Placing “Widgets” Online For Cash!

This “secret little widget” could make you rich.

“He’s made his millions online.  Now it’s YOUR turn…”

TRUE success story:  He went from factor worker to 7 figures online...

The true story of The Amazing, Money Making Widget…

Free Banners And Graphics

Banner # 1...

Banner # 2...

Banner # 3...

Banner # 4...

Banner # 5...

Banner # 6...

Banner # 7...

Banner # 8...

Banner # 9...

Banner # 10...

Banner # 11...

Banner # 12...

Banner # 13...

Banner # 14...

Banner # 15...

Additional Graphics...




Free Forum Promotion

Keep in mind that ALL of your promotions will potentially have TEN TIMES THE INCOME POWER when you become a member and take full advantage of the X-FACTOR option (see above for details).

Before you begin promoting on any forum, make sure to read over their posting rules and guidelines.   Generally, you may NOT just register and start posting ads.  You need to make useful, informative posts or replies, and use a “signature line” to promote…

A signature line is simply a bit of text that appears at the bottom of your forum posts.  Most forums enable you to create and save a signature line, which then appears automatically each time you post.

Here are some signature lines you may use, either turning the text itself into your affiliate link, or placing your affiliate link below the featured text:

If you can’t make money with this, it’s time to check for a pulse!

Are you an IDIOT when it comes to making money online?

Help Wanted Placing “Widgets” Online For Cash!

This “secret little widget” could make you rich.

“He’s made his millions online.  Now it’s YOUR turn…”

TRUE success story:  He went from “laid off to paid off”…

The true story of The Amazing, Money Making Widget…

“The Amazing Webinar!” – register FREE and make a fortune online!

Sweaty factory worker stumbles upon the secret to online riches.


Warrior Forum


Digital Point Forums






Article Marketing Formula
How to easily write and submit 1 article per day to promote AWS.

Rather than give you a few ready-made articles for the purpose of article marketing (which will quickly get duplicated to the point of being useless), I’m going to give you a KILLER tip that will enable you to crank out endless articles, one after another, for the purpose of promoting AWS.

Keep in mind that The Amazing Widget is a mainstream "traffic and money getting" product, meaning it appeals to most anybody wanting to make money from home.  It’s not just for Internet marketers, in other words...

We appeal to a much broader market, and this is fantastic news for article marketers since it means that you can achieve success not only by writing articles about making money online, but also by writing articles on totally different topics (in niches outside of “make money online” or “make money from home” or “home business”, etc.).

For example, you can experiment by writing articles on how to save money.  Or articles on smart investing.  Or articles on weight loss.  Or articles on gambling and card playing.  Or articles on winning the lottery.  There are many niches, both related and unrelated, in which you can create unlimited articles for the specific purpose of promoting AWS.

Your goal as an article marketer is to write at LEAST one article per day, and submit it to as many of the top (most popular) article directories as possible.  Choose at least 3 directories to submit to per day.

Most importantly, set a feasible goal and stick with it.

You can Google “top article directories” or “top article submission” for all sorts of directories to submit to.  But the key is submitting to the most popular directories, so keep that in mind as you look.  Here are some of the top directories for you, but there are plenty more worth your submission time...

You should focus on one keyword phrase per article (such as “widget marketing”).  Use your keyword phrase 3-5 times, naturally, throughout the article body.  Also try to feature your keyword phrase in the article title, while still making the title “SEXY”.  Go for titles that peak people’s curiosity and want to make them read the article immediately.

Use the same “curiosity principle" in your signature line following the article.  Your objective is to get people to click on your link to visit AWS.   You just get ‘em here and we’ll make the sale for you.

Now for that killer tip I promised.  The tip is to use TIPS!   You can search Google for tips on specific niches (i.e., "gardening tips"), compile the tips you find, write them in your own words, and use this method to create “Top 10” style articles.

For example:

"Top 3 Ways To Make Fast Cash Online"

"The Top 7 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs"

"Top 5 Online Business Killers"

…Those are somewhat generic but you get the idea.  Make your titles stand out, and again, use curiosity on BOTH ENDS of the article (sounds gross but it works, lol).  Pull people in with a curious title.  And push them out with a curious signature line that forces them to scramble to

So let’s say you choose to write an article about the top affiliate marketing mistakes to avoid.  First, search Google for “top affiliate mistakes” or something along those lines.   Gather some tips from a few different sites (so that you’re not getting them all from one place), and paste them into notepad or a similar application.

After you have enough tips gathered (3, 5, 7, or however many you’re planning for the article itself), read the first tip.  Then, without looking at it, write the basic gist of the tip in your own words. Repeat this step with the remaining tips.  When finished, arrange and number your tips.  Complete each article by writing a good “intro” and “closing”.  You can look up “tips” articles over at if you need a thousand examples.

Remember, when following this method, make it a point to write at least ONE article a day.

The big benefit here is that your articles aren’t going to suddenly disappear!  They’ll be online, most likely for years to come.  Meaning each article will become its own traffic machine.   You can use this as a complimentary, secondary method to “widget placement” to snowball your results to enormous proportions.   For example, place 5 Amazing Widgets online per day, and write and submit 1 article per day.

Mix in some ppc, ppv, and banner advertising using our ready-made graphics above.  And wowza!  Don't be surprised if you find yourself making 5 figures a month as our affiliate.

Do it up.

Here For Your Success,






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